After starting this website with the goal to write about real travel experiences more than one year ago, the writer is now more deeply in an inner journey with himself. This is the reason why for so long time no posts have happen – but a lot of change and movement was and still is ongoing. To write about this inner transformation combined with the external needs and limitations can be a great experience. Let’s try ….
Coming home in mid May 2018 was surprisingly not really a coming home. Things have been changed after living for 3 months in “freedom” in the small mobile home but having the whole world as the living room. It takes some time to accept the limitation walls of the flat, the wooden sealing instead of the blue sky with trillions of stars. The feeling was never being the same when leaving.
So, let things flow and make decisions witch are in mind for a long time, meeting good people and looking for a new place. This place is now an old farm building (not operated as a farm this time) located close to the German Alps in a region called Allgäu close to Wangen.
Giving you some impressions about this beautiful country side which are influencing from now on my feelings, ideas and thoughts.
To be continued in 2 ways: looking back what makes the driver for this change and looking forward what is next :-)) …