Green Diamonds describes the transformation journey in a sicio ecological way for people, communities and organisations driven by project pilots
Green Diamonds describes the transformation journey in a sicio ecological way for people, communities and organisations driven by project pilots

Shaping the Future

After the last trip to Portugal was themed around of decay and decline, the GreenDiamonds Transformation Blog is now focussing on the future.
The trip focusses on change in Portugal.
Changes in economic and social terms, of course, the developments in architectural and building solutions and the accompanying infrastructure projects.

23 billions will be invested in Portugal until 2030 by these programs. The main pillars are:

  • digitalization,
  • demography, skills and inclusion,
  • clima and sustainability
  • support of the ocean
  • and further on 5 regional programs

See also the Portugal2030 and European funding programmes. Portugal 2030

You can get already a feeling looking on the heavy construction work parallel to the exsisting highway.
On the outward journey through France and Spain, you can see that the European rail network is being further expanded. So it seems quite possible in future to replace the more than 2,000 kilometre-long car journey with a reasonably comfortable rail journey. see European RailAve in Spain TGV in France

However, this journey is also intended to further develop the idea of the Future Casa vision.

FutureCasa logo

Future Casa is the vision of a communal living and housing project within the borders of Portugal.

This project will be ecologically sustainable, it will endeavour to develop the greatest possible resilience to external influences, it will be aligned with European values and offer a home to a wide variety of people and ways of life. A more specific vision scetch is under preaperation.

Back to the future: Inspired by the book “Future” by Florence Gaub1, the future can be seen as a space of possibility. In this sense, we take a positive view of possible social changes, especially in times of great conflict such as these. This blog is intended to encourage people to orientate themselves and to create new things in a positive environment in a fantastic country.

  1. ISBN-10: 3423283726 ↩︎

I am looking forward to the next 8 weeks, which will be a mixture of curiosity, contemplation and inspiration. I am looking forward to encounters, Portuguese nature, cuisine and hospitality.
The blog will be updated unregular every 3 to 5 days. Hope you enjoy.

Link to the route: Future Casa 2023

Guarda, 16th Nov. 2023; REH